Sea of Lies Playtest


I am seeking players for an online playtest happening soon. If you are interested, please comment or message me! The game scenario is below:

“Poseidon IX is an oceanic world once believed to be a major city of the ancient Nameless Space Empire. An underwater life support bubble has been established and archeological missions are underway. However, tensions are rising between those on land and those under the sea. You have been hired to find the cause of the bad blood and help resolve it before the entire settlement is drowned in a Sea of Lies. Come playtest the new Fueled by a Hostile Sun system with the writer as Game Master.” is being constructed. The goal is to create an easy clickable reference of the Under a Hostile Sun Rules. Furthermore it will give me a place to expand and experiment with the ruleset w/o having to worry (yet) about graphic design limitations.

The site is still under construction, so check back frequently.

Grimm Arthur

Grimm Arthur, a Fueled by a Hostile Sun game takes the resource and risk management of Under a Hostile Sun and applies it to the world of King Arthur and the Brother’s Grimm fairy tales. A game of dungeon exploration, combat and honor, it will take the Fueled by a Hostile Sun game in a new direction. Some early notes are in Myriad Myths and Mysteries, but this game is in very early development.

Get Under A Hostile Sun

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