New Design for Core Rulebook

Hazard Documentation

Hello all - the Core Rulebook has been updated with a new format that I hope will improve readability,as well as give a sort of “Hazard Guidebook” vibe with the use of the new Under a Hostile Sun resource hazard placards throughout.

The new format isn’t a major overhaul, but does use a different color scheme, a different style for the chapter headings, and the inclusion of section-break pages, in addition to the inclusion of the hazard placards in the major Headers.

Let me know if you find this color scheme easy to read, and if you like the use of the Hazard Placards.


The Core Rules are “golden” - not going to change this build for rule content between now and GenCon. There will be edits as I work through typos, etc, but the Core Rules of Hostile Sun are the rules I am going to present at GenCon.


Under a Hostile Sun Core Rulebook-2024.pdf 3 MB
66 days ago
Under a Hostile Sun - Galactic Masters Guide - 2024.pdf 3 MB
70 days ago

Get Under A Hostile Sun

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