Cryptid Collector Subsystem

What to do about Combat?

Under a Hostile Sun, focuses on planetary exploration, with volcanoes, acidic atmospheres, and storms being the primary problem confronting explorers.

But given that there is a creature collecting portion to this game, I can imagine that some people will want Creature Battles to play a larger role than they currently do.

Cryptid Collector

Cryptid Collector is a one-page (front and back) guide for adding a bit more of a Poke-esque combat to the game whilst still keeping the focus on the Hostile Environment. It is a very early draft

  • Different creatures have different attack types that threaten different squares.
  • If you get a creature into one of your attacked squares, or if they enter one of your attacked squares (even if not your turn), you can initiate combat!
    The one who initiates combat has an advantage. Thus, the best Monsters are the ones with the largest threatened areas—these can initiate combat on others before combat is initiated on them.
  • The Support Die sizes in the Core Rulebook serve as the starting Combat Die size as well, but stratagems or being the instigator of the fight can cause the die size to increase.
  • Each round of combat, creatures risk a certain amount of their remaining Energy. The creature that runs out of Energy first loses.
  • Tamers can roll against one of their stats to deploy a stratagem to help their creature in the fight.
  • You must pass an Agility check to flee combat Remember that while you are tied up in combat, the hostile environment is still acting, and the Opportunity Die is still shrinking. Thus, you will want to finish your fight quickly so you can return to the main mission. Combat takes place within a Hostile Environment scene; it is not a replacement for Hostile Environment scenes themselves, and the system is written so that combat enhances the Hostile Environment but does not upstage it.


Under a Hostile Sun Core Rulebook-2024.pdf 3 MB
42 days ago
Cryptid Collector.pdf 138 kB
28 days ago

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