Muckraker System

Martian Muckraker 7.0 is out!

It uses the streamlined dice system and a very clear scene based structure to the game. Each scene starts with a tarot inspired lead and continues until a central conflict is found.

After each central conflict evidence can be added to the evidence pyramid. Muckrakers can unlock new levels by taking risks.

To prevent confusion the other versions of the game have been removed from this page. The old tarot short form has been uploaded to the Triple T project and the index card form is included as an appendix in the back of the current book. The Dark Maria build for now, has been rejected in favor of keeping the tarot, though the stand alone Dark Maria game still exists.

One Muckraker is polished off a genre-less version of the rules called Muckraker System will be published.


Martian Muckraker v7.0.pdf 4.4 MB
Nov 19, 2020

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