Playtest Underway!

Hello Fellow Martians!

I am excited to announce that I have found a group of guinea pigs -er I mean friends who have agreed to try out this experimental ruleset with me! I will share what I learned from this trial run in the upcoming week. Just know that this project is still being polished and based on what I learn from gamemastering this system a new and improved ruleboook will be made.

Also in the pipeline is The Galatic Masters Guide which will featurea pre-made investigation and a worksheet for preparing your own games. It will also give more detail on the Martian Muckraker campaign setting so that Galatic Masters can have plenty of content to draw on.

I am also hoping to make a genre-agnostic version of the ruleset called Tantalizing Tales With Tarot.

More releases after that are planned! Good luck uncovering Earthling Conspiracies, fellow Martians!

Get Martian Muckraker

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