New Playtest Coming

Hello Muckrakers! The first playtest was a little rough. Heck it was a lot rough, read more here. But the players are interested in giving it another shot. The newest version of the dice system is in the Streamlined Rules - Half-Breed file. Based on how the game goes (we are aiming for early November as the next few weeks before Halloween are packed for our RPG group) I will implement the simplified Half-Breed dice system into the main rulebook.

The new system features Calamities with allow for an extended challenge handled my several muckrolls and tarot cards. One of the key feedback items I received is that players wanted to draw from the tarot deck more. The new calamity system and simplified muck rolls rules should place more emphasis on the Tarot deck.


OLD - MartianMuckraker_Original Ruleset.pdf 3.6 MB
May 21, 2020
Martian Muckraker Play Test 2.8.pdf 3.5 MB
Sep 22, 2020
Streamlined Rules - Half Breed.pdf 711 kB
Oct 16, 2020

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