Muckraker 4.0

Based on the results of today’s playtest updates have been made:

  1. Streamlined dice system - only one die needed to arbitrate success or failure.
  2. Zero Prep time - Players use Tarot cards to set up the scenario for the GM. Tarot cards determine the clues that are found and plot twists the GM can play.
  3. Core Rules now fit on three pages (the Martian Muckraker 4.0 attachment.) The longer book will mainly consit of possible interpetations for the tarot cards.
  4. Character creation is now even more flexible.
  5. Tarot cards used in every scene - no trigger (doubles / calamity etc.etc.) is needed. Instead each scene has a Scene Setter card, a Concluding event Card, a Clue Card, plus any memories or plot twists the players or GM play respectively.


Martian Muckraker - Tarot - Short Form 282 kB
Nov 08, 2020

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